EM TTI Annual Event – Invited Speakers
EM TTI Annual Event 2020 - Invited Speakers
Elizabeth Deysel
An Overview of Technology for Interpreters – the what and the why?
Elizabeth Deysel has been working in the field of interpreting for the past ten years. She is currently employed as an interpreter in the National Parliament of South Africa where she has been interpreting for the past six years. She previously lectured and trained interpreters at the University of the Free State before moving to Stellenbosch where she worked as an educational interpreter. She completed her Masters in Interpreting which focused on computer assisted interpreter training (CAIT) and how it may be used to improve self assessment skills of the professional interpreters. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Interpreting at Stellenbosch University with a specific focus on Interpreting Technology and the implementation thereof in the curriculum for training interpreters. As you may have guessed, she is a lover of “gadgets” and all things tech related especially technology for interpreters.
Short abstract:
The webinar starts with a brief introduction on the history of technology and interpreting. It then provides a broad overview on technology and interpreting and what tools are currently available and used most frequently in practice. The two types of technologies to be discussed are: 1) process orientated technologies which provides support to the interpreter and 2) setting orientated technologies which shape and change the way interpreting is delivered.
Associate Partner Presentations
Time | Associate Partner | Short Bio |
11:30-13:00 | Vilelmini Sosoni (Ionian University) | Dr Vilelmini Sosoni is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting at the Ionian University in Corfu, Greece, where she teaches Legal and Economic Translation, EU texts Translation and Terminology, Translation Technology, Translation Project Management and Audiovisual Translation (AVT). In the past, she taught Specialised Translation in the UK at the University of Surrey, the University of Westminster and Roehampton University, and in Greece at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Institut Français d’ Athènes. She also has extensive industrial experience having worked as translator, editor, subtitler and intepreter. She holds a BA in English Language and Linguistics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, an MA in Translation and a PhD in Translation and Text Linguistics from the University of Surrey. Her research interests lie in the areas of Translation of Institutional Texts, Machine Translation (MT), Corpus Linguistics, Cognitive Studies, and AVT. She has participated in several EU-funded projects, notably TraMOOC, Eurolect Observatory and Training Action for Legal Practitioners: Linguistic Skills and Translation in EU Competition Law, while she has edited several volumes and books on translation and published numerous articles in international journals and collective volumes. |
Mina Ilieva (Mitra) | Mina Ilieva, Managing Director of MiTRa Translations – LSP located in Bulgaria. She also represents MiTRa as an Associated Industry Partner and a Member of the Management of the EM TTI Program. Having worked as translator, editor and interpreter she gained a solid professional and practical experience. She holds a BA in English and Russian Language and Linguistics from the University of Shumen Konstantin Preslavski, Bulgaria. She has been focusing on language technology for the last 15 years. The team of experts she leads is actively supporting, training and consulting linguistic resources, i.e. freelancers, students on CAT/QA/MT tools on the territory of Bulgaria, where the offices of MiTRa Translations are operating. Since she joined the EM TTI Program, in 2020 MiTRa Translations provided industry placements for a number of students that resulted with a very positive feedback. During the last few years of her career she is helping her team of developers to create a quite intuitive web platform for translation and file management system for translation companies. Her role is to advice on interactive content, user interface and features of the new SaaS that will be launched in the spring of 2021. Her moto is that the practice creates the theory, and not the opposite! So her mission is to help translators, revisers, post-editors to upgrade and optimize their skills so that language technology learns from their experience and produce clean and intuitive content in no time! | |
Eleni Zisi (EL-Translations) | Eleni Zisi is a trained translator, conference interpreter and business owner. She will present shortly EL-Translations’ unique business model: LSP and School. She will support that lifelong learning and technology are the core for all: project managers, translators, editors, interpreters. By teaching through practice, our model creates a virtuous circle of skills growth and team work which are essential. Key words: soft skills, training, internship, ethics | |
Elena Doren (STAR Group and STAR Ljubljana) | Elena Doren attended primary school in Paris, then finished secondary school in Ljubljana and studied French and English at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. During the first sixteen years of her professional career, she enjoyed working as translator and interpreter, and eventually became head of the translation department in a global company subsidiary located in Ljubljana. A couple of years after having created STAR Ljubljana with STAR AG (Switzerland) in January 2000, she decided to study economics, convinced by the up-to-date programme delivered by Gea College in Ljubljana. While managing STAR Ljubljana, her priorities have always been professional and high quality services, socially responsible business processes optimised thanks to STAR Group language technologies which have offered state-of-the-art solutions in this industry for 37 years. | |
Eleanor Cornelius (University of Johannesburg) | Eleanor Cornelius is a an associate professor in the Department of Languages, Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics at the University of Johannesburg. She is the coordinator of the Applied Linguistics cluster/unit in this Department. She teaches courses in interpreting, psycholinguistics and text-editing at undergraduate level, and courses in psycholinguistics at honours level. Eleanor is a currently the chairperson of the South African Translators’ Institute (SATI) and a SATI accredited simultaneous interpreter in two language directions. She also serves on the Council of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), where she serves on at least five taskforces. She represents not only South Africa, but the entire African continent, on the FIT Council. She is an invited member of the International Working Group for Community Translation, and she has been a member of the Programming Committee of Asling’s Translating and the Computer for a number of years. She is frequently called up to review articles in scholarly journals, to rate researchers for the National Research Foundation, to externally examine master’s dissertations and doctoral theses, and also undergraduate and postgraduate courses at other universities. Eleanor is best known for her research into the concept of plain language, and also her research into legal translation and legal language. | |
16:15-17:15 | Rozane Rebechi (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) | Rozane Rebechi is a professor and researcher at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. She holds a master and a Ph.D. degrees in English Language and Literature from the University of São Paulo. Her main areas of research are Translation, Terminology, and Discourse, to which she applies Corpus Linguistics as methodology. She is currently chair of the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Translation (ABRAPT) and Associate Partner to the European Masters in Technology for Translation and Interpreting (EM TTI). She was recently nominated vice-dean for International Affairs and director of the academic mobility department of UFRGS. Rozane has published several papers in national and international journals. |
Fardad Zabetian (KUDO) | Founder and CEO – A visionary entrepreneur, Fardad has founded and placed another two companies among the fastest growing business in America. He has also expanded to key markets over Europe and Asia. Fardad is no stranger to big challenges. In 2012, he was part of the design and roll-out a complete makeover of the United Nations’ meeting facilities, including the general assembly hall in New York. He has also played a key supporting role as a high-end equipment provider to various iterations of the IMF/ World Bank Annual Meetings and several European Institutions. With KUDO, Fardad now takes the meeting experience beyond the room to connect business and people in true borderless fashion, without language or geographic constraints. | |
Yves Champollion (Wordfast) | Yves Champollion was born 1956 in Paris, France. He is related to the early nineteenth-century French Egyptologist Jean-François Champollion, whose contributions to the translation of Egyptian hieroglyphics were instrumental to the deciphering of the Rosetta Stone. Yves freelanced as a translator between 1982 and 1995, when he translated and published the French versions of several popular science books that were bestsellers in the US, including Darwin On Trial by P.E. Johnson. From 1996 to 1999, he was a project manager and consultant for large translation projects at world-class translation agencies (Translatel, Linguex…), which led to his involvement in projects for SAP R/3 & R/4, Siemens, Alcatel, Microsoft, IBM, ABB and Ford, to name a few. Starting in 2000, he developed the Wordfast and PlusTools suite of Computer-Assisted Translation tools, a popular product among translation agencies and freelance translators, with over 55,000 paid licenses in use as of 2019. Widely travelled, in addition to French, German, English, Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and some Japanese, Yves has also had time to get acquainted with Shangana, a language spoken in Mozambique, where he sponsors a secondary school. Lastly, he is an enthusiastic conference speaker, having delivered countless keynote addresses and lectures throughout his career, and particularly since he launched the Wordfast line of products for the translation industry. |