Technologies for Translation and Interpreting: Challenges and Latest Developments
This vibrant seminar series hosts leading scholars and CEOs of companies to report on their work and vision related to the technology for translators and interpreters covering among other topics translation and interpreting tools and resources and Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence solutions. The seminar series has both strong research and industrial foci and as such serves not only as a forum showcasing latest research, professional practices, software and business developments but also bridging the gap between academia and the industry.
This seminar series is hosted by Professor Ruslan Mitkov.
We are excited that our final cohort of EMTTI students are starting to arrive at their first university of study. We wish all students travelling a safe journey! #erasmusmundus#scholarshipstudents
We have really enjoyed this walk down memory lane and cannot believe we are on the last blog post of 25 today! If you haven't yet, I'd highly recommend you go back and read through them all - we are so proud to be part of @RGCL_WLV#25YearsofRGCL 💙…