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The Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) is one of the five largest and most qualified universities in Brazil. UFRGS provides free education to over 27,000 undergraduate students and over 9,300 graduate students and has more than 2,500 professors, UFRGS is among the largest and highest-rated universities in Brazil and it is considered one of the most important higher education institutions in Latin America. The UFRGS International Campus is a platform for the development of integrated actions of internationalization, through which UFRGS strategically consolidates and expands its international cooperation.  

The Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Languages and Literatures of UFRGS (https://www.ufrgs.br/ppgletras/_english/) is aimed at the qualification of researchers, teachers and professors. The Program is comprised of two large areas – Literature Studies and Language Studies. The Postgraduate Program provides supervision at Masters and PhD levels and has achieved the highest grade (7.0), granted by CAPES (Brazilian Federal Agency for Post-graduate Education) in the Quadrennial 2013-2016 evaluation, and is classified as a Program of Excellence (PROEX).