Management Board
The EM TTI Management Board is made up from members from each of the Consortium Universities and also representatives from both industry and academic Associated Partners. The Management Board has final responsibility for academic affairs (programme management, curriculum amendments), administrative matters (coordinating learning agreements, mobility, financial matters, issuing of degrees) and quality assurance aspects.
The Members are:
Prof Ruslan Mitkov, EM TTI Coordinator, Director of the Research Institute of Information and Language Processing, University of Wolverhampton
Dr Sara Moze, Lecturer, University of Wolverhampton coordinator
Prof Gloria Corpas, Director of the Department of Translation and Interpreting, University of Malaga coordinator
Prof Maria Stambolieva, Director of the Centre for Computational and Applied Linguistics, New Bulgarian University coordinator
Prof Veronique Hoste, Head of the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication, Ghent University coordinator
Mr Yves Champillon, CEO Worfast
Ms Mina Ilieva, CEO Mitra Translations
Ms Eleni Zisi, CEO El-Translations
Dr Rozane Rebechi, University Rio Grande do Sur and President of the Brazilian Association for Researchers in Translation
Dr Vilelmini Sosoni, Ionian University
Ms Elena Doren, CEO, Star
Mr Fardad Zabeitan, CEO, KUDO