Call for Visiting Scholars


We invite applications for Visiting Scholars on the new European Master’s in Technology for Translation and Interpreting (EM TTI) course.  

Scholars/guest lecturers should: 

  • demonstrate outstanding academic and/or professional experience; 
  • bring concrete added value to the EM TTI intake in terms of student-centred teaching, research activities, Master’s thesis support, academic and professional networking, etc.; 
  • following their visiting scholar activities, contribute to the promotion and dissemination of the Erasmus Mundus Programme and, more specifically, the EM TTI programme at their university and country of origin; 
  • write a short report and testimonial for use on the Consortium website and for inclusion in reports to the EACEA. 

Priority will be given to applicants who wish to work on a joint research funding application/research project or joint publication with academic(s) at the proposed EM TTI host university. 

Benefits for Visiting Scholars and the EM TTI Consortium 

  • You will benefit from extending your professional networks to include successful EM TTI students, and will provide a bridge between existing networks in Europe and abroad. 
  • You will be able to further enhance the programme and contribute directly to the assessment of students, for example setting and marking assignment materials. 
  • Visiting Scholars will be very beneficial to the students in demonstrating that even with very different problems to solve; good researchers have a common scientific perspective, regardless of their background in terms of country, language and culture. 
  • Visiting Scholars will be invited to act as referees for the publication of research papers of excellent academic quality, written by the students based on their project dissertations in a series of technical reports. 
  • Talks or seminars given by our visiting scholars will be recorded, and also made available through the EM TTI website, YouTube, and advertised on social media. 

Funding available and duration 

We plan for teaching to take place face-to-face but if the local situation worsens, then teaching may be moved online.

For Visiting Scholars applying to teach at the New Bulgarian University, the University of Malaga and Ghent University: On-site Visiting Scholars will receive a grant of EUR 1,200 per week (local tax may apply) or 240 EURO per day, which will include all travel, accommodation, and additional subsistence costs. Fees for online teaching are EUR 120 per day (local tax may apply), for a typical (and not exceeding) 4 hours teaching day. Scholars paid by other EU funds may not apply.

For Visiting Scholars applying to teach at the University of Wolverhampton: We can only accept on-site Visiting Scholar applications due to HMRC tax regulations. Scholars attending the University of Wolverhampton will not receive a stipend. Instead, all travel and accommodation will be booked directly by the University of Wolverhampton and scholars will be able to submit receipts for local travel and subsistence at the end of their stay. These will be reimbursed up to a remainder of what is left after travel and accommodation has been booked.

Further details about the grant will be circulated to the Visiting Scholars post the acceptance phase. 

Online teaching may be as short as one or two days, while on-site teaching is expected to last for a minimum of three days, and could be up to a maximum of three weeks. We aim to find working arrangements that benefit both the Visiting Scholar and the students.

Teaching will start as early as the beginning of October.

Application process 

The selection process will ensure that visiting scholars are well-known and established specialists in their particular fields, whose expertise is relevant to the core partners’ module diets, enabling them to make a significant contribution to the delivery of the EM TTI programme as a whole. 

  • Applicants must provide their Europass CV, with a full publication list. 
  • Please ensure you list your teaching, research, and industrial experience. 
  • Provide a motivation letter detailing how the activities planned for the visit fit with the objectives of the EM TTI programme. 

Please email your CV, in Europass format, with 2 reference letters and the attached form via email to Dr Amanda Bloore with a copy to Prof Ruslan Mitkov, Coordinator of the programme with the subject line “Application for Visiting Scholars”, by the specified deadline (7 July 2022)